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One lap around the patch and we guarantee you will never look at a Jack-O-Lantern the same way again! 

We take pride in growing pumpkin varieties that are as DIVERSE as the world we live in.   

We have tall pumpkins, short pumpkins, round to oblong. Squatty pumpkins, warty pumpkins, wrinkled and smooth. 


You'll find pumpkins that don't even look like pumpkins

and some with STEMS AS BIG AS YOUR ARM! 

And then there are the REBEL pumpkins who sport pink, blue, white, even yellow colors in PROTEST of the standard orange. 


Don't forget the pumpkins SO HUGE that dad will struggle to lift,

all the way down to TINY ONES you can hold in your hand. 


 U-PICK: from the patch

 WE-PICKED: at the barn




GIANT PUMPKINS:                     $25

SQUASH, GOURDS, MINIS, PUMPKINS:                        *prices vary            $7-20      

REGULAR PUMPKINS:            $10

LARGE PUMPKINS:                $15

tax not included

And we don't stop there.

The fall harvest is about so much more than just pumpkins and we CELEBRATE that at our patch.

We grow every variety of gourd and ornamental squash we can get our hands on (160-ish varieties this year). 

We search near and far for varieties that will make exploring our patch and making selections for your fall decorating and carving a truly awesome experience.  

We hope that after seeing our selection you will never look at a pumpkin patch the same way again.

Oh. And then there's the "Land of the Giants"

Over 4 acres of pumpkins and squash that showcases those varieties who are LARGE AND IN CHARGE.  Some of these monsters will weigh over 100lbs or more. 

The best part is: we figure if you can haul them out of the patch you can have any of them for only $25 each regardless of the size. 

(Its worth at least that much in entertainment value to watch you bring them in)

So, air up the tires on the car and challenge the inner macho-man in your dad to haul some of these beauties home.

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